DOCS : Graphics : Rectangle Clipping

Clipping with Rectangles.

Using rectangles for clipping is fairly simple to implement, as it is easy to check against a rectangle bounds. It is also fairly simple to create a list of rectangles that represent the area that is visible when only rectangles are blocking the view in front of the rectangle you wish to draw to. So this seems to be a good method of clipping, especially for a windowing system, just use rectangles.

Many Window Managers use this method for clipping, including the RISC OS WIMP. It makes sense as it is easy to implement. That and it is fast for cases where there are not that many overlapping rectangles.

This method is very good in many situations, though it does have one fatal flaw in potential efficiency. That is that for each added rectangle you add 2*n+2 (where n is the number of rectangles behind the rectangle being considered) possible new rectangles (worse case) for each foreground rectangle, thus making the growth rate way too much to handle fast in some cases. Normally the rate will not be an issue, though take the case of a stack that is 8 rectangles deep, the worse case is then (2*7+2) + (2*6+2) + (2*5+2) + (2*4+2) + (2*3+2) + (2*2+2) + (2+2) = 16 + 14 + 12 +10 + 8 + 6 + 4 = 70 rectangles in the visible list, and that is just for 8 rectangles deep worse case. The worse case for 128 levels deep (the limit of most window Managers) is 16510 visible rectangles within the rear most rectangle (calculated with the BASIC V line T%=0: FORX%=127TO1STEP-1: T%+=2*X%+2: NEXT: PRINTT%), remember this is the absolute worse possible case.

It is still worth studying the method of using single rectangles for clipping, as well as the method of using rectangle lists to handle the case of multiple overlapping rectangles. If for no reason other than it being easy to implement, and in some cases fast. Not to mention that it is quite widely used.

In normal usage it is extremely rare to encounter the worse case. In more than 99.8% of cases in a Windowing System using this methods there will be fewer than 16 rectangles in the visible rectangle list for a partially covered window that has the most covering windows of any visible on screen. Thus in the majority of cases it is effecient enough to be practical, though there is always the possibility of getting quite out of hand. Looking at my RISC OS Desktop Screen as I type this, the current bad case has 12 visible rectangles, thus it is quite doable (though Regions would be faster for that particular case). Most of the Windows open on my current Desktop Screen in RISC OS are either non-visible (completely covered) or have nothing infront of them (either 0 or 1 visible rectangles).

Single Rectangle clipping methods.

Clipping against a rectangular area is pretty simple, as it just takes bounds checking and allows for runs within bounds between checking. Bounds range checking is quite simple.

Even when we use Lists of visible rectangles within our target we still only draw to a single rectangle at a time, so the method is the same.

Building Visible Rectangle Lists.

Keep in mind the potential of extreme cases, even if they are very rare. It is possible to have things get a bit slow depending on the case at hand. That being said most cases Rectangle Lists are usually an effecient means of clipping.

Here we will look at how to build a visible rectangle list that contains no overlapping rectangles and prefers wider than tall where possible. This is the most efficient for graphics output.

In concept building a list of visible rectangles for a given target rectangle with other rectangles in front of it is fairly simple. The core algorithm is (target gets split into multiple targets as we go):

REM This code likely contains some errors.
REM For illistration purposes only.

REM Code updated to use a universal List format as
REM described in the Universal Lists tutorial.

REM We use are using coords with vertical zero at top,
REM Upside Down from RISC OS screen coords.

DEFFNGetVis(Tgt%, Fore%)
  LOCAL Top%,Btm%,Lft%,Rgt%,Nxt%,Prv%,NewF%,t%,Tnxt%,Fnxt%

  REM Indexes into rect objects.
  Nxt%  = &00 : Prv%  = &04
  Tupe% = &08 : Size% = &0C
  Lft%  = &10 : Top%  = &14
  Rgt%  = &18 : Btm%  = &1C

  REM No modifications yet.
  NewF% = FALSE

 REM We begin by quickly killing off the cases where we do
 REM not need to do anything at all.

 REM If foreground completely covers target, remove target
 REM returning next valid visible rectangle if any.
 IF Fore%!Lft% <= Tgt%!Lft% AND Fore%!Rgt% >= Tgt%!Lft% THEN
  IF Fore%!Top% <= Tgt%!Top% AND Fore%!Btm% >= Tgt%!Btm% THEN
   =FNRemItem(Tgt%) : Done, remove entry.

 REM If foreground does not intersect target, nothing to do.
 IF Fore%!Rgt% < Tgt%!Lft% THEN =Tgt% : REM No change.
 IF Fore%!Lft% > Tgt%!Rgt% THEN =Tgt% : REM No change.
 IF Fore%!Btm% < Tgt%!Top% THEN =Tgt% : REM No change.
 IF Fore%!Top% > Tgt%!Btm% THEN =Tgt% : REM No change.

 REM Split off visible rectangles for partial covering
 REM forground rectangles.

 REM Horizontal Split off ?
 IF Fore%!Lft% < Tgt%!Rgt% AND Fore%!Rgt% > Tgt%!Lft% THEN
  IF Fore%!Top% < Tgt!%Top% AND Fore%!Top% > Tgt%!Btm% THEN
    NewF%=TRUE : Tgt%!Top% = Fore%!Top%
    FNAddVis(Tgt%!Lft%, Tgt%!Top%, Tgt%!Rgt%, Fore%!Top%)
  IF Fore%!Btm% < Tgt%!Top% AND Fore%!Btm% > Tgt%!Btm% THEN
    NewF%=TRUE : Tgt%!Btm% = Fore%!Btm%
    FNAddVis(Tgt%!Lft%, Fore%!Btm%, Tgt%!Rgt%, Tgt%!Btm%)

 REM Vertical Split off ?
 IF Fore%!Top% > Tgt%!Btm% AND Fore%!Btm% < Tgt%!Top% THEN
  IF Fore%!Lft% > Tgt%!Lft% AND Fore%!Lft% < Tgt%!Rgt% THEN
    NewF%=TRUE : Tgt%!Lft% = Fore%!Lft%
    FNAddVis(Tgt%!Lft%, Tgt%!Top%, Fore%!Lft%, Tgt%!Btm%)
  IF Fore%!Rgt% > Tgt%!Lft% AND Fore%!Rgt% > Tgt%!Rgt% THEN
    NewF%=TRUE : Tgt%!Rgt% = Fore%!Rgt%
    FNAddVis(Fore%!Rgt%, Tgt%!Top%, Tgt%!Rgt%, Tgt%!Btm%)

 REM If we split, our original is no more.
 IF NewF% THEN Tgt% = FNRemItem(Tgt%)

 REM Get next members in Rect Lists.
 Tnxt% = Tgt%!Nxt%
 Fnxt% = Fore%!Nxt%
 REM Recurse as needed.
 IF Tgt% AND (Fnxt%<>0) THEN Tgt% = FNGetVis(Tgt%, Fnxt%)
 IF (Fnxt%<>0) AND (Tnxt%<>0) THEN FNGetVis(Tnxt%, Fnxt%)


The above code is only to illistrate the algorithm, and likely contains some errors. The above code takes two rectable lists as input, and works through them. Each entry in the rectangle lists has the form of (Index const variable name, folowed by offset, then description):

  • Nxt% &00 : Next rectangle address.
  • Prv% &04 : Previous Rectangle address.
  • Type% &08 : List type (&0080 for Rectangle)
  • Size% &0C : Entry Size in bytes (32 bytes for rect).
  • Lft% &10 : Left most coords.
  • Top% &14 : Top most coords.
  • Rgt% &18 : Right Most Coords.
  • Btm% &1C : Bottom Most Coords.

All entries in the standard list entry, as well as in the Rectangle list entry are 32-bit words, as this is easy to work with in RISC OS. If you wish to convert to RISC OS coords reverse the position of Top% and Btm% then replace every !Top% reference with !Btm% and every !Btm% with !Top%.

The rectangle Tgt% is the target rectangle, the rectangle Fore% is the current foreground rectangle.

The function FNRemItem removes the specified item from the list, and returns the next valid Item after that one, or NULL if no more entries in list. The Function FNAddVis adds a rectangle to the end of the visible rectangle list containing the passed in rectangle, returning the address of the new rectangle. The variable NewF% contains TRUE if any additions were made to the list, and FALSE otherwise

WIP : Work In Progress : WIP

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LAST UPDATED: Nov 14th 2022